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Car Insurance After
An Accident




Get lower car insurance rates even after an accident

Let's face it - there are a multitude of reasons why we try to avoid any type of car accident. Of course, safety is number one, as no one wants to be involved in a car accident and actually end up getting hurt. One thing that people tend to overlook, however, is the importance of staying out of an accident because of the effect it can have on auto insurance. Car accidents affect insurance rates more so than just about every other variable imaginable, and if you are unfortunate enough to get yourself involved in one, you will likely suffer some monetary consequences.

The most important thing that can be done to lower your cost of auto insurance after an accident is to prove that the accident was not your fault. Let's say, for instance, that you were casually driving down the road and someone blew a stoplight going 70 miles per hour, totaling your car. This would, of course, be the fault of the other driver, and your insurance would likely not increase nearly as much as you would imagine it to. However, if you were driving drunk and ended up in a car accident that was clearly your fault, your auto insurance rates would skyrocket, and for good reason. While it can be quite difficult to "plan" to not be a part of an accident - and especially to not be the cause of it- you should do everything in your power to do so.

Second, make it a point to find an auto insurance company that specializes in people that have been involved in car accidents in the past. These companies will be able to better understand the situation that you are in since they deal with it on an everyday basis. Explain your full situation, and see what type of auto insurance they have to offer you. You may find that they have a policy with surprisingly low rates that will be able to help you get through the tough time you are dealing with. Just don't give up hope, cross check rates from several companies using the website to ensure your getting the best policy after an accident.

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