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Car Insurance
after Marriage




Things you should know to get the best auto insurance rates after marriage

Getting married is one of the major milestones of your life, and an exciting one at that. That day represents change in many ways, and without exception, it can affect your auto insurance rate. Here is what you need to know so that you can get the best auto insurance rates after you get married.

If you and your spouse use different companies for your insurances -- vehicle, home, renters, or life, now would be a good time to consolidate your policies and use one insurer instead of two. Not only will you likely be eligible for a multi-vehicle discount, which can save you money on your 6-month or yearly premium, many insurance companies offer better rates to married couples than they do to single men or women. If you let your agent know that you are now married, there is a good chance that you can save even more money on your insurance policy.

Another way to get the best rate on your auto insurance policy after getting married is by adding new coverage to your insurance plan. If you rent a home or apartment, look into adding renters insurance to your policy. If you own a home or will be purchasing a home, look into adding homeowners insurance. In some cases, by adding these extra insurance policies to your vehicle’s insurance policy, you may actually receive a lower monthly or semiannual quote than without them.

Additionally, even if you think that you are receiving a good deal on your vehicle’s insurance, it never hurts to shop around and check out the rates that you will receive from other insurance agencies. Because you can now receive insurance quotes online, it’s relatively easy to get a quote from multiple insurance providers, and some websites will actually do most of the searching for you if you fill out a simple online form.

One additional way to get the best auto insurance rates after getting married is by installing an anti-theft device in your vehicles. Anti-theft devices can be anything from “The Club” to an inexpensive aftermarket alarm system. Insurance companies reward you for using anti-theft devices by giving you a lower auto insurance premium, and it’s well worth the minimal investment.

Getting the best auto-insurance rates after marriage does not have to be difficult. By using these tips, not only will you be able to save money on your vehicle’s insurance policy, but you will likely be able to save more money on all your insurance needs as well. While lower insurance premiums might not be the ideal wedding gift, it’s not a bad way to start your new life as a married couple.

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